Good health is the key to longevity. The World Health organization reports that each year, flu causes approximately 250,000 to 500,000 deaths; around 8.2 million people die of cancer; and about 17.5 million die of cardiovascular disease. Many diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and avian influenza, as well as antimicrobial resistance caused by superbugs, have raised international concerns recently. Faced with the same health threats and given the same medical treatment, some people recovered, others were defeated by the diseases, and some were unaffected. What accounts for this difference? It boils down to the best doctor in the world-The Immune System. Nutritional Immunology research shows a significant link between nutrition and immunity. Nutritional Immunology does not focus on the basic nutrients that the human body needs, such as proteins, minerals and vitamins. Instead, it focuses on nutrients that are highly beneficial to the immune system, such as phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides.
Nutritional Immunology is science that studies the link between nutrition and the human immune system. It explores in depth how to use proper nutrition to improve the health of the immune system, educating people about how to choose food wisely to enjoy a quality lifestyle, good health, and longevity.
It could make a difference for you and your familty. We continuously employ highly qualified researchers and cutting-edge technology to assure consumers of nutritious products of the highest safety standards.
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